Doctors with a heart

By: Dr. Paul Mach, DN


For the 9th consecutive year Partner’s In Health is teaming up with The American Heart Association during the heart month of February to emphasize the importance of recognizing the precipitating factors and warning signs of hypertension, hypercholestrolemia, and all circulatory related disorders including heart attack and stroke prevention. Heart attacks and strokes are the #1 cause of death in the United States killing over half the U. S. population. That means more than half of YOU, our Daily Gazette readers’ will DIE from Atherosclerotic related conditions.  This #1 cause is than followed by cancer and misutilization of prescription medications. Prevention is the best medicine for all health conditions. Always treat and focus in on the cause of the problem and than the symptom will dissipate. Understanding the warning signs allows you to take immediate action, focusing in on the cause of the condition, prior to becoming a condition statistic.

For a $15 donation to The American Heart Association, Partner’s In Health will provide the following tests to the community on February 14th,15th and 16th, Participants will than follow up with a consultation with Dr. Kim or myself to help with interpretation and suggestions.
Testing includes:
~Blood Pressure Check
~Cholesterol Check (HDL, LDL, Tryglyceride, Cholesterol)
~Glucose Screen
~Spirometry: Lung Capacity Screening

The results of these tests will allow you to see where you and your body are currently functioning. When these tests are out of range the red flashing lights that scream out warning are now in operation. The goal of wellness care is to avoid the occurrence of positive test results. Once warning signs occur, action is required on the part of the patient and the doctor. The objective is to find the causes and precipitating factors that have allowed this condition to develop. When the cause is irradicated, or the inherited genetic weak link has been supported, and crisis intervention is taken, symptoms often can be reversed and than dissipate. The focus is on prevention and wellness care not just sick care.

Atherosclerosis and its complications is the major cause of death in the United States. According to The American Medical Journal, the presence of a diagonal crease on the earlobe has been shown to correlate very well with the degree of atherosclorosis. If you have this crease testing is imperative and a preventative program should be implemented immediately. The earlobe is richly vascularised, and a decrease in blood flow over a period of time is believed to result in a collapse of the vascular bed. This leads to a diagonal earlobe crease that has been proven to be a major warning sign in over 30 studies.

Hypertension: High blood pressure effects over 20% of the adult population and monitoring blood pressure is an invaluable diagnostic aid. Hypertension is a disease closely related to our dietary and exercise and stress patterns. Obesity is a major cause of hypertension. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association and The American Journal of Cardiology and The Annals of Internal Medicine “Most cases of hypertension can be brought under control through changes in lifestyle and diet. Although recent long term clinical studies have found that people with hypertension not taking blood pressure medicines actually fare much better than those taking prescription drugs”

Hypertension: High blood pressure effects over 20% of the adult population and monitoring blood pressure is an invaluable diagnostic aid. Hypertension is a disease closely related to our dietary and exercise and stress patterns. Obesity is a major cause of hypertension. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association and The American Journal of Cardiology and The Annals of Internal Medicine “Most cases of hypertension can be brought under control through changes in lifestyle and diet. Although recent long term clinical studies have found that people with hypertension not taking blood pressure medicines actually fare much better than those taking prescription drugs”

Hypercholesterolemia is highly associated with heart disease In men and women 33-44 years of age, those with serum cholesterol levels of 256mg/dl or over have a five times greater risk of developing coronary artery disease than those whose levels are below 220 mg/dl. The serum levels of low density lipoproteins (LDL) is directly related to atherosclerotic plaguing and associated conditions because it promotes the transporting of cholesterol to the tissues. High density lipoproteins on the other hand are protective because they transport cholesterol to the liver for metabolism and excretion.

What to do?

  1. Check your earlobe for creasing due to decreased circulation.
  2. Monitor your blood pressure regularly and have regular blood serum lipid screenings regularly.
  3. Eliminate smoking. It will kill you. Do this, if not for you but for your family who will be forced to care for you after your failed suicide attempt. (Smoking is suicide I hope you realize)
  4. Increase aerobic exercise. Humans were designed to move. Move it or loose it.
  5. Do a heavy metal toxicity screening. Cadmium and other toxins will weaken the body as well as low essential nutrient minerals.
  6. Eat a high fruit and vegetable diet. Increasing fiber and phytonutrients will help not only with circulatory disorders, but will be an asset to your entire being.
  7. Decrease sugar consumption. Sugar promotes increased concentrations of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid.
  8. Increase essential fatty acids like flax, fish, EFA’s and olive oil. Decrease hydrogenated and all saturated fats especially those heated to high temperatures.
  9. Milk and meat proteins raise cholesterol. Equal amounts of vegetable proteins lower cholesterol.
  10. Avoid excess coffee.
  11. Take your vitamins and minerals. Especially C, E, B6, B-Complex, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Selenium, Bromelain, Garlic, Lecithin ,Carnithine, CoQ 10

 And remember: ignorance is not bliss it is ignorant. Take control of your life and of your destiny. The time to fight for your life is NOW. While you can. After over half of you have heart attacks and strokes and either die or have to deal with all the associated ramifications, this is not the best time to say I wish I would have, could have, or should have. Just Do It.